About Sue

How do you do??

My name is Sue!!

Welcome to TEA AND MILKBONES….. my place to write about animals, wellness and family! My friends tell me that my stories are heartwarming, charming and worth sharing. I’m told a blog is the place to do this!

I share my life with a neurotic golden retriever named Max and a crazy cat, known as Emmet…who really believes he is a dog! We also have some outdoor friends, like Sherman the skunk, Chip and Dale the raccoons and Wally the cat, from next door. Every once in awhile a fox, coyote or opossum stops by!

While my children are grown, the stories about them never seem to leave my mind. As a parent, I found each day was filled with antics, joy, laughter and challenges, some days there were more than others!! As I write, sometimes I smile and yes, sometimes I grimace! But…my children have always been the center of my universe.

I love helping others; in particular I am passionate about sharing my triumphs dealing with systemic Lupus. My lupus lives with me and if telling my story will help someone else, that is a good thing!!

Trying to decide how to organize all these stories was a challenge, I wondered what I wrote most about. Guess what….parenting, well being and pet care are my top three topics!!

So please, sit a spell! You with your tea, I with mine; but be sure your furry creature has a milk bone, because mine sure will! Let’s share some stories together, shall we?

I do write for hire – my areas of writing expertise are found here on my blog! I look forward to working with you!

February 23, 2014

Hello Friends! When I began writing my blog I shared my life with a wonderful golden retriever named Max, who brightened every day for me.  In December 2012, Max left this earth quite suddenly. My heart was shattered into so many pieces. I miss him every day and on rough days, I miss him even more.  He will always be a part of me and will forever have a special place in my heart. Today is his birthday so, I dedicate this blog to Max, my best friend in the world.  May there be many tennis balls for you to retrieve in heaven with Hobbes!


March 27, 2014

I wanted to add, there will now be grandchildren stories!!  Stay tuned!!

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